Today the now former General Motors executive chief Fritz Henderson announced he was stepping down from the organization. This comes as a shock to everyone within GM. This means general motors will have lost its third CEO within one year. Chairman Ed Whitacre has stepped up as temporary CEO until a replacement has been found.
This is especially surprising after Henderson's speech to the SCC about reconstructing GM. This video of this can be found at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhdPQB1qepk&feature=PlayList&p=F144C5DCA5ECE0C6&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=77
Henderson was the replacement for Rick Wagner who was fired from his job by the Obama Administration after the bailout.
There has been no answer to why Henderson left or what the future of the company entails.
The CNN article can be found : http://money.cnn.com/2009/12/01/autos/gm_henderson/index.htm
I wonder if this is a foreshadowing of a company that cannot be saved. I hope not b/c of the jobs lost and i really wanted to see the Chevy Volt. Or is that GM owned?