Monday, November 30, 2009

Cheney/Palin '12?

Let's hope not, that would be good neither for the Republican party or the country. Both Dick Cheney (George Walker Bush's Vice President) and Sarah Palin (GOP VP nominee who ran with John McCain) have tested the American public with many scandals. For instance, Dick Cheney's involvement with the Enron scandal (where it seemed as if Enron was getting special treatment by the government due to Cheney's involvement in the company) makes him seem like a less than truthful character. In addition, many believe Sarah Palin to be incompetent. If her reason for quitting as governor of Alaska was to run for president, this notion would be furthered. Cheney is said to have taken the office of the Vice President to the highest stage of power it has ever had (not a good thing).
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Many Jokes of Sarah Palin:

Many people have ridiculed these two people, even in serious news. In Katie Couric's interview, Palin paints herself as inept, forcing John McCain to sit in on the next interview.

So, let's hope that these two do not form a ticket or even run separately, this would not be a good idea for the country.


  1. See "Why Dick Cheney Should Run in 2012" by Jon Meacham in the Dec 7 Newsweek. Interesting stance, at the very least...

  2. How 'bout Condi Rice or Bobby Jindal in 2012? I think that would be pretty interesting, or make for some entertaining story-lines at the least. Maybe Newt Gingrich and a new "Contract with America", perhaps?

  3. Maybe if they run together Cheney will have a hunting accident again and shoot Palin. I am sure that there are much more qualified candidates for president and vice president in the Republican party than her.
