Monday, November 30, 2009

2010 Senators

With 2009 coming to an end, senators begin preparing for the next year's senatorial elections. A lot banks on these elections, and many people have many questions. Will Democrats retain their filibuster proof? Will Dems keep their majority? If they do not, what happens to the Obama administration? This is a very important time for both the Democrats and Republicans. If the Republicans gain hold of Congress, any attempts by President Obama to push his health care reform bill will fail.

Even the Republicans are sweating the next election. A few of their senatorial seats have been opened up due to resignation or unpopularity.

The Democrats have seats opening up, such as the seat of the late Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts.

The current list of senators can be found at:

More information about specific senator seats opening up can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. It is another reason why it is vitally important that the Obama administration gets its key policies passed ASAP; healthcare, START, Iran, Copenhagen, and so many others makes it unlikely that all will be achieved.
